Child Check

Preschool Child Check Screenings

Child Check screenings are offered by Olentangy Local Schools as a resource to parents who have developmental concerns for their child. Children may participate in the screening if they are a resident of Olentangy Local School District and are between 3 and 5 years old.

Child check is a preschool developmental screening and provides information about a child's current development in the areas of motor, language, concept, self-help and social-emotional development. Informal vision and hearing screenings are also conducted as part of the screening.

The screenings are held at Shanahan Preschool. Appointments are in the morning on a Monday one time per month, September through May. Screenings are conducted by our team of special needs preschool staff. A parent must be on site during the screening which lasts approximately 60 minutes. Shanahan Preschool is located at 814 Shanahan Road, Lewis Center OH 43035.

Screening results are emailed to parents within two weeks. Results may show the child’s development is age-appropriate and no follow-up is needed OR the child has a potential delay indicating additional follow-up is needed and the next step. Results of a screening do not guarantee admittance/eligibility to attend Olentangy’s Special Needs Preschool.

To schedule a child check preschool screening, call Charlotte Davis at 740-657-5047. During the call, an appointment will be scheduled and information will be collected about your child and your concerns to start a screening file.